Wednesday 14 December 2011

Busey Bites 1

In the first of a regular feature on this site, we will explore the rich and varied career of the psychotic Gary Busey by focusing on a different film role or reality TV meltdown performed by the man each time.

To open proceedings, Busey’s performance as the tyrannical Commander Krill in Under Siege, has been chosen.  On a side note, Krill are shrimp-like marine crustaceans. Under Siege is set at sea. What a delightful aquatic link.

Busey’s turn as Krill showcases the actor at his most unhinged, domineering and cowardly- ideal character traits for an effective villain. In the scene I have inserted below, Busey faces off against ‘lowly cook’ Casey Ryback (Steven Segal) who, lo and behold, turns out to be a former Navy Seal and not really a cook at all.

I’m a big fan of Busey’s voice. As a Texas native, his voice is rich powerful and occasionally evil. Though, by no means the best part of the scene, Busey saying ‘MESS DECK’ at 0:18 is always a thrill. What I love about Busey in this scene in particular is his utterly abhorrent behaviour. He declares that Ryback’s lovingly cooked bouillabaisse smells like a ‘lard omelette’. If this insult were not enough he unleashes an enormous wad of phlegm into the bouillabaisse, undoubtedly hurting Ryback’s feelings. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Krill was the typical crazy badguy, but he didn't deserve to be blown up on that ship.
